Monday, May 27, 2013

HELLO to all who are listening!

So today's adventures entail finding sources for my research topic. Surprisingly the search is difficult and somewhat discouraging, but never the less I still press on to get the job done. I've been looking into EBSCOhost search engine for some ideas, but all I find are issues involving mortality rates and improving on their Millennium development goals. I did have some luck and found a small article on new health policies of clinics, so maybe things are turning around... For my background information I've been reading the information on the WHO (World Health Organization) site.I'm just trying to juggle some ideas of how to format my paper. But through this research I did happen to find some cool sites and topics to further support. The evolution of the country and how the surrounding area should reflect its progress... and alternative medicine (Ayurveda). I would definitely like to get a better appreciation for Ayurveda practice, to meet a medicine would definitely be an adventure. Especially considering the strides they make on modern medicine. I wonder how their contributions affect the general public? What do the locals prefer private,public or alternative sectors for healthcare?

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” 
― Winston Churchill

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